Spatial propagation of temperate phages within and among biofilms
Winans JB, Zeng L, Nadell CD†. (2025). PNAS 122(6): e2417058122. (†corresponding)
Moreau A, Nguyen DT, Hinbest AJ, Zamora A, Weerasekera R, Matej K, Zhou X, Sanchez S, Brenes IR, Tai, J-S B, Nadell CD, NG W-L, Gordon V, Komarova NL, Olson R, Li Y, Yan J. (2025). Nature Communications 16: 327
Dispersal of a dominant competitor can drive multispecies coexistence in biofilms
Holt JD, Schultz D, Nadell CD†. (2024). Current Biology 34: 1-14. (†corresponding)
Simpson CA, Celentano ZR, Haas NW, McKinlay JB, Nadell CD, van Kessel JC. (2024). PLoS Biology 11: e3002891
Sánchez-Peña A, Winans JB, Nadell CD, Limoli DH. (2024). mBio: e00956-24
Bacteriophage specificity is impacted by interactions between bacteria
Bisesi AT, Möbius W, Nadell CD, Hansen EG, Bowden SD, Harcombe WR. (2024). mSystems: e01177-23
Robitaille S, Simmons EL, Verster AJ, McClure EA, Royce DB, Trus E, Swartz K, Schultz D, Nadell CD, Ross BD. (2023). Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 2092-2107
Bacterial defences: mechanisms, evolution, and antimicrobial resistance
Smith WPJ, Wucher BR, Nadell CD, Foster KR. (2023). Nature Reviews Microbiology : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-023-00877-3
Wucher BR, Winans JB, Elsayed M, Kadouri DE, Nadell CD†. (2023). PNAS 120(6): e2212650120 (†corresponding)
– Feature journal cover and commentary by Thomas Platt
– Featured paper in episode #282 of This Week in Microbiology (TWiM – ASM offical podcast)
Multispecies biofilm architecture determines bacterial exposure to phages
Winans J, Wucher BR, Nadell CD†. (2022). PLoS Biology 20(12): e3001913 (†corresponding)
An RNA sponge controlling quorum sensing dynamics and biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae
Huber M, Lippegaus A, Melamed S, Siemers M, Wucher BR*, Nadell CD, Storz G, Papenfort K (2022). Nature Communications 13: 7585
Social evolution of shared biofilm matrix components
Tai J-S B, Mukherjee S, Nero T, Olson R, Tithof J, Nadell CD†, Yan J†. (2022). PNAS 119(27): e2123469119. (†corresponding)
Teschler JK, Jimenez-Siebert E, Jeckel H, Singh PK, Park JH, Pukatzki S, Nadell CD, Drescher K, Yildiz F. (2022). mBio e01885-22
– Selected as a top paper of the year submitted by ASM Fellows
Mechanisms underlying Vibrio cholerae biofilm formation and dispersion
Teschler JK, Nadell CD, Drescher K, Yildiz FH. (2022). Annual Review of Microbiology 76: xx
Kerkaert JD, Le Mauff F, Wucher BR, Beattie SR, Vesely EM, Sheppard DC, Nadell CD, Cramer RA. (2022). mBio 13(2): e02933-21
Microbial interspecies associations in fracture-related infection
Gitajn IL, Werth P, O’Toole RV, Mandarin J, Jevsevar D, Wise B, Rane A, Horton S, McClure EA, Ross B, Nadell CD. (2022). Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 36(6): 309-316
Kasetty S*, Katharios-Lanwermeyer S*, O’Toole GA†, Nadell CD†. (2021). Journal of Bacteriology (*co-first authors; †corresponding)
O’Toole GA, et al. (Dartmouth CF conference paper). (2021). mBio 12(5): e01763-21
Matrix-trapped viruses can prevent invasion of bacterial biofilms by colonizing cells
Bond MC, Vidakovic L, Singh PK, Drescher K, Nadell CD†. (2021). eLife 10: e65355 (†corresponding)
Kasetty S, Mould DL, Hogan DA, Nadell CD† (2021). mSphere 6(3): e00416-21 (†corresponding)
Koeppen K, Nymon A, Barnaby R, Bashor L, Li Z, Hampton TH, Liefield AE, Kolling FW, LaCroix IS, Gerber S, Hogan DA, Kasetty K, Nadell CD, Stanton BA. (2021). PNAS 118(28): e2105370118
Bacterial predation transforms the landscape and community assembly of biofilms
Wucher BR, Elsayed M, Adelman JS, Kadouri KE, Nadell CD†(2021). Current Biology 31: 1-9 (†corresponding)
Kowalski CH, Morelli KA, Stajich JE, Nadell CD, Cramer RA (2021). mBio 12(1): e03579-20
Quantitative image analysis of microbial communities with BiofilmQ
Hartmann R, Jeckel H, Jelli E, Singh PK, Vaidya S, Bayer M, Rode DKH, Vidakovic L, Díaz-Pascual F, Fong JCN, Dragoš A, Lamprecht O, Thöming JG, Netter N, Häussler S, Nadell CD, Sourjik V, Kovács ÁT, Yildiz FH, Drescher K. (2021). Nature Microbiology 6:151-156
Fungal biofilm architecture produces hypoxic microenvironments that drive antifungal resistance
Kowalski CH, Morelli KA, Schultz D, Nadell CD, Cramer RA. (2020). PNAS 36: 22473-22483
Simmons EL*, Bond MC*, Koskella B, Drescher K, Bucci V, Nadell CD†. (2020) mSystems 5(3): e00877-19 (*co-first authors; †corresponding)
Wucher BR, Bartlett TM, Hoyos M, Papenfort K, Persat A, Nadell CD†. (2019) PNAS 116(28): 14216-14221 (†corresponding)
Kitts G, Giglio KM, Zamorano-Sánchez D, Park JH, Townsley L, Cooley RB, Wucher BR, Klose KE, Nadell CD, Yildiz FH, Sondermann H. (2019). mBio 10(6): e0822-19
Kowalski CH, Kerkaert KD, Liu K-W, Bond MC, Hartmann R, Nadell CD, Stajich J, Cramer RA Nature Microbiology 4(12): 2430-2441
Diaz-Pascual F, Hartmann R, Lempp M, Vidakovic L, Song B, Yildiz F, Dunkel J, Link H, Nadell CD, Drescher K. (2019) Nature Microbiology 4: 2136-2145
Rossy T, Nadell CD†, Persat A† (2019) Nature Communications 10:2471 (†corresponding)
Cell adhesion and fluid flow jointly initiate genotype spatial distribution in biofilms
Garcia-Martinez R, Nadell CD†, Hartmann R, Drescher K, Bonachela J†. (2018). PLoS Computational Biology 14(4): e1006094 (†corresponding)
Phage mobility is a core determinant of phage-bacteria coexistence in biofilms
Simmons M, Drescher K, Nadell CD†, Bucci V† (2018). ISME Journal 12: 531-543 (†corresponding)
Dynamic biofilm architecture confers individual and collective mechanisms of viral protection
Vidakovic L, Singh PK, Hartmann R, Nadell CD†, Drescher K† (2018). Nature Microbiology 3: 26-31 (†corresponding)
Vibrio cholerae combines individual and collective sensing to trigger biofilm dispersal
Singh PK, Hartmann R, Bartolomej S, Nadell CD, Drescher K. (2017). Current Biology 27: 1-8
Yan J, Nadell CD, Stone HA, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL. (2017). Nature Communications 8:327
Nadell CD*, Ricaurte D*, Yan J, Drescher K, Bassler B (2017). eLife 6: e21855 (*co-first authors)
Environmental fluctuation governs selection for plasticity in biofilm production.
Yan J*, Nadell CD*, Bassler B (2017). ISME Journal: doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.33 (*co-first authors)
An emerging grip on the growth of grounded bacteria.
Nadell CD, Hartmann R, Drescher K (2016). ACS Nano 10:9109-9110 (commentary)
Spatial structure, cooperation, and competition in biofilms.
Nadell CD†, Drescher K, Foster KR†. (2016). Nature Reviews Microbiology 14: 589-600 (†corresponding)
Architectural transitions in Vibrio cholerae biofilm development at single-cell resolution.
Drescher K, Dunkel J, Nadell CD, van Teeffelen S, Grnja I, Wingreen NS, Stone HA, Bassler BL. (2016). PNAS 113(4): E2066-2072
The mechanical world of bacteria.
Persat A, Nadell CD, Kim MK, Ingremeau F, Siryaporn A, Drescher K, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL, Gitai Z, Stone HA. (2015). Cell 161(5): 988-997
Extracellular matrix structure governs invasion resistance in bacterial biofilms.
Nadell CD, Drescher K, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL (2015). ISME Journal 9: 1700-1709
Adhesion as a weapon in microbial competition.
Schluter J, Nadell CD, Bassler BL, Foster KR (2015). ISME Journal 9: 139-149
Solutions to the public goods dilemma in bacterial biofilms.
Drescher K, Nadell CD, Stone HA, Wingreen NS, Bassler BL (2014). Current Biology 24: 50-55
Convergent evolution of hyperswarming leads to impaired biofilm formation in pathogenic bacteria.
van Ditmarsch D, Boyle KE, Sakhtah H, Oyler J, Nadell CD, Déziel E, Dietrich LEP, Xavier JB (2013). Cell Reports 4: 1-12
Cutting through the complexity of cell collectives.
Nadell CD†, Bucci V, Drescher K, Levin, SA, Bassler BL, Xavier JB (2013). Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20122770 (†corresponding)
Mutually helping microbes can evolve by hitchhiking.
Nadell CD† & Foster KR (2012). PNAS 109(47): 19037-19038 (commentary) (†corresponding)
Mathematical and computational challenges in the study of complex adaptive microbial systems.
Levin SA, Bonachela JA, Nadell CD (2012). The Social Biology of Microbial Communities pp. 361-385. NAS Press.
A fitness trade-off between local competition and dispersal in Vibrio cholerae biofilms.
Nadell CD & Bassler BL (2011). PNAS 108(34): 14181-14185
The evolution of bacteriocin production in bacterial biofilms.
Bucci V, Nadell CD, Xavier JB (2011). American Naturalist 178(6): E162-E173
Universality in bacterial colonies.
Bonachela JA, Nadell CD, Xavier JB, Levin SA (2011). Journal of Statistical Physics 144: 303-315
Emergence of spatial structure in cell groups and the evolution of cooperation.
Nadell CD, Foster KR, Xavier JB. (2010). PLoS Computational Biology 6(3): e1000716
Nadell CD, Xavier JB, Foster KR. (2009). FEMS Microbiology Reviews 33: 206-224
Observing bacteria through the lens of social evolution.
Nadell CD, Bassler BL, Levin SA (2008). Journal of Biology 7: 27
The evolution of quorum sensing in bacterial biofilms.
Nadell CD, Xavier JB, Levin SA, Foster KR (2008). PLoS Biology 6(1): e14